Winner 2024 Best of Mile High

Voted #1 Coaching Service

Winner 2024 Best of Mile High

Voted #1 Coaching Service

Relationship & Career Vitality Mind Body Energy Coaching with Coach Mary Ellen
Debunking 8 Common Myths About Burnout

Debunking 8 Common Myths About Burnout

Burnout is a buzzword that we hear all too often in today’s fast-paced world. It’s so prevalent that it’s accepted as just a part of life. However, the mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion caused by chronic stress at work and home is anything but normal. If left...

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VIDEO: Energy Detox for Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

VIDEO: Energy Detox for Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

Just like your body detoxes to maintain physical health, it’s important to detox on an energetic level in order to maintain emotional and mental wellbeing too. Watch and learn how to use Breathwork as a tool to detox energetically.

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Mary Ellen Flesher Blog

Hey there, I'm Mary Ellen

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

Here you’ll find
• inspiration for keeping a clear head amid daily stressors
• how to live in alignment with your true self
• stories from my own journey to wholeness


Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, burnt-out? Schedule your free call and experience coaching with me first hand. I’ll help you get clear about where you’re stuck and what your next steps are to move forward.