I’ve been on a path of personal and spiritual development since my early teens but nothing could have prepared me for 10-days of silent inner-reflection. This was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. And I feel like a new person!
I participated in a 10-day silent Vipassana Meditation course. I committed to 10 hours of seated meditation per day (9 days in silence). I’m so completely blown away at how different I feel. I’ve excellerated to a place of deeper peace and understanding. I’m much more grounded and less reactionary. All because I was able to focus my attention on my inner world and release deep subconscious baggage. It was hard and I experienced a lot of mind mucks, freak outs and physical pain but that was all part of the process of purging.
I feel so grateful. I know most people don’t have the time to take 10 days off to sit in meditation. And, while an intensive retreat or course can be super impactful, a regular Breathwork practice can be just as powerful.
Breathwork is a great tool to befriend your subconscious mind. It’s similar to Vipassana in that it’s like a body-centered meditation. They’re both present moment practices that get you into your body to release any stuck emotions and subconscious triggers.
One 60-minute Breathwork session can ignite a life changing experience, a permanent release of years of protection, a healing on all levels of your be-ing. Breathwork also has a cumulative effect so the more you practice the more benefits you experience.
I know the timing of the meditation course was perfect because I was ready for deeper wisdom and understanding of who I am, how I can show up more authentically and be happier and more at peace with what is. I also know my Breathwork practice over the last year helped me in this growth process but I had no idea how much I would transform.
Are you ready to go deep? Incorporate a Breathwork practice in your life to help you take off the armor, dive deep and get to know the core of who you are.
When you give yourself the time to go within and reflect, layers of out-dated gunk, feelings and beliefs begin to surface to be healed and released.
Mary Ellen