Winner 2024 Best of Mile High

Voted #1 Coaching Service

Winner 2024 Best of Mile High

Voted #1 Coaching Service

Relationship & Career Vitality Mind Body Energy Coaching with Coach Mary Ellen

Meditation is like Turning Up the Stars

My first waking thought today was “Meditation is like turning up the stars”. What an interesting thought. We are all connected through the energetic fabric of prana, life force energy, consciousness, or whatever you like to call it. I’ve experienced this oneness in meditation, during breathwork sessions, on the playa at Burning Man, while in ecstatic dance, in sacred ceremonies lead by Shaman, while listening compassionately to a friend in need. Since a young age I’ve had this inner knowing that all is connected. We are energy beings in an energy universe. Our state of be-ingness effects the whole. There are so many ways to raise your vibration. Do the things that turn you on. The things that light you up. And if you’re unsure about what to do, quiet your mind and listen. Go within and hear what your soul has to say. Shut out the distractions of this modern world, if even for just a moment every day. Reconnect to the magic and wonder of your existence. And Simply Breathe. Meditation is like turning up the stars because you’re raising your vibration, thus raising the vibration of the entire universe.

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Mary Ellen Flesher Blog

Hey there, I'm Mary Ellen

Life Coach And Breathwork Facilitator

Here you’ll find
• inspiration for keeping a clear head amid the daily stress
• how to live in alignment with your true self
• stories from my own healing journey


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